Page 102 - Demo
P. 102
Amusement ParkRoller CoasterThe roller coaster is so old,and it%u2019s a never ending road.Up and down, it goes.How long before it%u2019s over, I need to know.Haunted HouseAs I entered this decrepit house,I was immediately greeted by a giant mouse.None of this scared me.I think I want back my money!%u25b2Class 603 ShineAmusement ParkWe went to the amusement park last Wednesday.We were all excited to get to play.I rode on the roller coaster. I was as happy as bread in a toaster.We went into the haunted house. I tried to be as quiet as a mouse.We kept going on our way. But I saw a ghost and couldn%u2019t stay.We rode on the merry-go-round.We were moving round and round. It was a happy day.We will visit again another day. %u25b2Class 604 Janice102Grade 6English Experience Curricula