Page 104 - Demo
P. 104

                                    An Adventure Story: %u201cNeptune%u2019s Kingdom%u201dEveryone knows that Neptune is the god of the seven seas. But does he really exist? Well, I can tell you, he does. Let%u2019s start from the beginning.  Archeologists had found an ancient scroll in the ruins of a great temple, which was dedicated to Neptune. On the scroll, it said, %u201cThere lies the great city Atlantis, once great and glorious in its time, now in ashes deep under the sea. To those who find the city, great treasures and riches are to be found.%u201d Would you want to find those treasures? Well, I did too.%u25b2Class 604 Tommy I quickly put together an expedition team, made up of myself and some brave volunteers. We jumped onto a motor yacht, and set sail to find Atlantis. But little did I know what would lie ahead%u2026 I put on my wet suit and my flippers, then checked my oxygen tank. After putting on my SCUBA gear, I jumped into the icy water. First, I saw some fish and coral. Nothing. Our hopes were down and we were exhausted. We were about to turn back when we saw a shipwreck. And beyond the shipwreck %u2026 Atlantis. It was as if fate told Neptune we were coming. There was a welcoming ceremony, and we were led into the palace of Neptune. The palace was large and comfortable, fit for the gods. Outside Atlantis glimmered in shimmering light, and people wandered around happily. They could all breathe underwater. Neptune threw a feast for us, with all kinds of delicious seafood, such as roasted lobsters, and grilled fish of every kind. One of my crew was greedy and tried to steal some jewelry from one of the mermaids. The mermaid cried out and guards quickly caught him. Neptune banished him from Atlantis forever, returning him to land with no memories. For rest of the expedition, we were treated well, and we were all given gifts; gifts were more valuable than we could ever dream of. After returning home, I kept a small treasure box, given to me by Neptune himself. It was full of diamonds, but I can see it only when I open it. For all others it appears empty. It is my reminder of my time spent in Atlantis. Years passed, and I tried to go back to Atlantis again, but it was nowhere to be found.104Grade 6Just DO it--%u82f1%u8a9e%u9ad4%u9a57%u6559%u5b78 English Experience Curricula
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