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drop onto the ground. We went to buy a new one but decided to get a smaller one this time. After we finished our ice cream, it was time for us to go back to school. On the bus, one thing scared me. Mrs. Li took my umbrella while I wasn%u2019t looking. I heard the sound when it was pulled from my bag, but I couldn%u2019t see it. I started to look for it. I was worried. One minute later, Mrs. Li gave it back to me. I was afraid that I had lost it. I think this trip was very fun because it was free. I hope I can have a fun trip next time!told her about this. %u201cMe too,%u201d Coco said. We have a lot of things in common. We played many things that day. We played piano, practiced dancing, practiced singing, played with slime, and watched a movie. I ate dinner with Coco. Coco%u2019s mom is Japanese, so the dinner was great! %u201cI%u2019m very happy to spend time with you,%u201d I said. Coco said, %u201cMe too!%u201d The next morning around 9:00, her father told us it was time to wake up. We went to a boxing class. This is how I found out that Coco%u2019s father is a boxing coach. Boxing is really fun. My mom came to take me home. We were sad to say goodbye, but it was a very happy day in my life.The School TripLast week, I went to Danshui to play with my classmates. First, we played games and won many stuffed animals. Ingrid is good at this. When she won prizes, she shared them with us. We went to a shop, and Ingrid bought many strange things. We went to 7-eleven to eat lunch, and I saw a very big dog. Next, I bought some seafood to eat. All of the boys were playing shooting games at that time, but we decided not to. Instead, we decided to do some more shopping! We bought a big ice cream cone. The bad thing is that the strong wind caused the ice cream to Best FriendsI remember that day was a holiday. My mom told me that I could go to Coco%u2019s house and stay for one day. I was very excited. In the afternoon, my dad drove me to Coco%u2019s house. It took us ten minutes to get there. When I got out at Coco%u2019s house, my dad said, %u201cI see Coco! I see Coco!%u201d Once inside, Coco and I played for a while. I remember Coco taking me to the highest place in her house, and we practiced our singing. No one else was there, %u201cYou sing very well,%u201d said Coco. Coco is a great singer too! When I was in first grade, I didn%u2019t know anyone, and Coco was my first friend. I%u25b2Class 503 Coco%u25b2Class 503 Sophie96Grade 5English Experience Curricula