Page 82 - Demo
P. 82
The Dinosaur and a LionOnce upon a time, there was a happy lion and an angry dinosaur. One day the lion ran to the zoo hospital and told a vet the dinosaur hit him. The vet said, %u201cGo tell the dinosaur not to hit everyone.%u201d The dinosaur said, %u201cSorry,%u201d and the lion said, %u201cNo problem, but next time I will not forgive you!%u201dThe Cat and the AirplaneOnce upon a time, a man had a white cat. The white cat flew an airplane in the sky. But, the airplane fell. The man fixed the airplane and the white cat said, %u201cThank you!%u201d Now the white cat is happy.Trip to the ZooOnce upon a time, Hank Lin and the tiger went to the zoo. The tiger cooked some hot meat for Hank. Hank was happy.%u25b2 Class 104 Ian%u25b2Class 104 Jessie%u25b2Class 104 HankMy World is Full of ShapesI wake up by the square alarm clock in the morning.I open the window then I see the big and circle sun.I eat a rectangle bread for breakfast.I put on my triangle dress to go shopping.I%u2019m so hungry that I buy an oval cake for dessert.Today, I play all day, so I feel tired.I fall asleep on my rectangle bed.%u25b2Class 201 Becky82Grade 2Grade 1English Experience Curricula